Supplier relationship
When signing a contract, all suppliers commit to respect, enforce and disseminate the best social and environmental practices with their suppliers, subcontractors and subsidiaries:
Sustainability code for suppliers
Open Supply Hub (list of factories updated within the past 6 months)
The Sustainability code for suppliers, drawn up in 2021 and periodically updated, aims to provide suppliers with guidelines on containing environmental impact – from the procurement phase of materials to their use – and on respecting human rights and working conditions of staff employed throughout the entire value chain.
Since 2013, the Group has been monitoring and auditing its supply chain regarding the observance of the ethical, social and environmental principles as defined by the Sustainability code for suppliers and by current regulations.
New suppliers are required to sign the Sustainability Code for suppliers and are subjected to a risk analysis linked to the geographical area and sector in which they carry out their activities. Furthermore, the Group requires documents, certifications and checks on compliance with environmental issues, human rights and workplace health and safety in relation to the processes and products supplied.
70% of total suppliers were audited during the four-year period from 2018–2021
Social and environmental audits