The Armani Group
Governance and organization
The Giorgio Armani Foundation was established in 2016.
It was founded by Giorgio Armani to ensure continuous guidance for the company’s future management, as well as to foster and protect the values and principles that have always inspired the founder’s creative and entrepreneurial activities.
“I decided to create the Giorgio Armani Foundation in order to implement projects of public and social interest. The Foundation will also safeguard the governance assets of the Armani Group and ensure that these assets are kept stable over time, in respect of and consistent with some principles that are particularly important to me and that have always inspired my activities as a Designer and an Entrepreneur.
These founding principles are based upon: autonomy and independence, an ethical approach to management with integrity and honesty, attention to innovation and excellence, an absolute priority to the continuous development of the Armani brand sustained by appropriate investments, prudent and balanced financial management, limited recourse to debt and a careful approach to acquisitions.”
In 2021, in order to strengthen its governance on the issue of sustainable and responsible development, the Armani Group established the Sustainability Department which reports directly to the Sustainability Managing Director appointed within the Board of Directors. A Strategic Committee was also created with the purpose of approving the sustainability plan and ensuring its integration with the business strategy. The areas on which to focus the reporting are identified through a stakeholder engagement process, aimed at assessing stakeholder demands and needs.
The Armani Group has always been committed to conducting business ethically and promotes among its employees, directors, consultants and other collaborators, a company culture based on principles of ethics and legality.
To this end, the Armani Group encourages the reporting of breaches of law, of the Group’s Code of Ethics and of company procedures, in order to prevent and identify problems and risks to which the Armani Group may be exposed to.
To fulfil such a need, in 2023 the Armani Group has adopted a specific whistleblowing reporting channel, developed and operated by an external company, which guarantees the untraceability of reports as well as the confidentiality of the reported information and of the whistleblower’s identity.
News and updates on the ongoing projects and initiatives of The Armani Group.